
Cuauhtémoc Medina González, Ph.D.

(Mexico City, December 5 1965.) Art critic, curator and historian, lives and works in Mexico city. PhD in Art History and Theory from the University of Essex, UK. Researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas at the National University of Mexico and Associate Curator of Latin American Art Collections at Tate Gallery in London . He is also member of Teratoma a group of curators, critics and anthropologists based in Mexico City. In 2002 he organizedFrancis Alÿs’s action Where Faith Moves Mountains in Lima, Perú, curated the exhibition 20 million Mexicans can´t be wrong at the South London Gallery, and was one of the Researchers for the “International” show at the Liverpool Biennale and was part of the Advisory Team of the Carnegie International 2004 curated by Laura Hoptman. Among his recent publications are: “Gerzso and the Indo-american gothic: From Eccentric Surrealism to Parallel Modernism,”, in: Diana C. Dupont, Risking the Abstract: Mexican modernism and the Art of Gunther Gerzso. (Santa Barbara, Calif., Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 2003), “Sobre el abrumador deseo de poner orden/The Overwhelming Desire for Order”, en: Iñigo Manglano. Ed. Jeffery J. Pavelka Peet. (México-Monterrey: Museo Tamayo-Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, MARCO, 2004) and “Architecture and efficiency. George Maciunas and the Economy of Art”, in :Res. Anthropology and Aesthetics. Vol. 45, Spring 2004.

Main lines of research:

    ● Arte contemporáneo
    ● Arte y política